Saturday, August 1, 2009

Re: Leone Team Update

Fantastic! Thanks so much for forwarding the Leone news!

And by the way- what about those girls who want to learn guitar??
Kate Plummer
President, Katydid, Inc.
703-481-9444 business line
703-402-1311 cell
703-481-5657 fax

---- Linda Reinhard <> wrote:
> Dear All,
> Below is an update received from Derek this afternoon. I am also
> copying in the team members of the Sierra Team that they may share in
> the carry over from their own great work.
> Blessings,
> Linda
> Dear Family and Friends of the Leone UMVIM Team and the Child Rescue
> Centre,
> It's incredible that it's been a week; before any more time flies by, I
> wanted to write an update to you all.
> First, the entire team is healthy and happy--our days are filled with
> time spent with the children and the staff, serving one another and
> making friends. In the evening team gathering, there is a devotion and
> a sometimes tearful, always laughter-filled time of each member sharing
> where they saw Christ in their day.
> To me, since I'm not teaching a class and can roam around, the day looks
> like herding cats; with T Butz and Carolyn Prillaman working crafts and
> storytelling for the younger set of children, and the other teachers
> rotating subjects with the middle and older youth, the CRC is a
> controlled buzz in the morning and a happy cacophony in the afternoon
> elective sessions.
> Up until today (Friday, July 31st) the children rotated between the
> various locations on the CRC facility, but with the coming of a rainy
> morning and the Great Hall being used for a local seminar for the CRC
> Foster Program, the children stayed in place and the teachers rotated.
> Heather Flor has been ubiquitous as she not only teaches her own English
> class, but is ever on the move to assist the success of each of the
> other classes.
> Erin Bennet and Jim Summersgill are working magic in the primary English
> block as they bring their contagious enthusiasm for the language arts to
> children who need to learn this second language in order to succeed
> academically.
> Jim is then doing double duty working behind the scenes in the computer
> lab to manage the equipment while John Petrosky and (our other
> ubiquitous helper, and photographer) Albert Johnson work with the
> children on basic computer skills.
> Matt Summersgill, with his youth and guitar skills has been a
> round-the-clock hit with the teenage boys. Besides working with Steve
> Dement to do basic math skills, Matt is carrying on guitar lessons begun
> by the first team, as well as helping to lead the entire UMVIM team in
> our contribution at the "Talent Show" the children put on for us last
> night (Thursday).
> Along with doing primary math with Jason Harris and geography and
> personal finance with Michael Bradstreet, Carol Bronick visited a parcel
> of land on the other side of the city with me which, we hope, will
> become a farm for the CRC--I could tell she was in her element as she
> and Amidu (one of the longest standing employees of the CRC) walked the
> land and took soil samples for her to test back at our base of
> operations, the Missionary Training Center (MTC).
> Both Jason and Michael have brought a high level of humor to the trip,
> both for the team and for the children
> All this activity is being undergirded quietly by Julie Spyres who is
> sharing her professional passion for coaching and life leadership skills
> through three different class sessions teaching the Stephen Covey "7
> Habits of Highly Effective People" material to the CRC staff, the
> secondary school students and the Mercy Hospital senior staff. Not a
> day goes by when both Julie and a staff member independently come to me
> to excitedly describe a powerful lesson/application they learned/saw.
> We will see more of this as the Partnership adopted the 7 Habits model
> to bring a common thread of independent and interdependent living to the
> way the Partnership conducts business, all future UMVIM teams reinforce
> with the staff and children, as well as how the staff at the CRC and
> Mercy Hospital live out this common mission we have before God with
> these children.
> Well, I can hear the next wave of rain starting up--that may it slow
> down but probably not put a damper on this afternoon's soccer match.
> I know I can speak for the entire team when I say we are grateful for
> your covering prayers and support. I also know that, for many, it is a
> sacrifice to have your loved ones so far away from home for so long; it
> is not only the team members who are working hard in their discipleship
> to be in mission. Thank you.
> I will try to keep the team in regular contact via telephone or email.
> I'll send out another update in the middle of next week.
> Blessings,
> Derek Reinhard
> Co-Leader, United Methodist Volunteers in Mission
> UMVIM "Leone Team"
> Bo, Sierra Leone

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